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Best Articles by Sahil Bloom

Best Articles by Sahil Bloom

Resonating Articles by Sahil Bloom

  1. How to Change Your Life in 1 Year
  2. How to Get Lucky
  3. The Power Speaking Guide
  4. The Ultimate Productivity Tool
  5. Life Lessons from 1,000 Years
  6. The Think Day: Your Secret Weapon
    • Six thinking question* prompts I have found particularly useful (that you should steal!):
    • What are your strongest beliefs? What would it take for you to change your mind on them?
    • What are a few things that you know now that you wish you knew 5 years ago?
    • How can you do less, but better?
    • Are you hunting antelope or field mice?
    • What actions were you engaged in 5 years ago that you cringe at today? What actions are you engaged in today that you will cringe at in 5 years?
    • What would your 80-year-old self say about your decisions today?
  7. Career Advice That Doesn’t Suck
    • Swallow the frog
      • Observe your boss and figure out what they hate doing (their “frog”).
      • Learn to do it.
      • Take it off their plate (swallow their frog).
    • Do the old fashioned things well
      • Look people in the eye
      • Do what you say you’ll do
      • Be on time (or early!)
      • Practice good posture
      • Have a confident handshake
      • Hold the door
      • Be kind (never gossip!)
    • Work hard first and smart later,
    • Build storytelling skills
      • Aggregating data, and
      • Communicating it simply & effectively
    • Build a rep for figuring it out
      • Do some work
      • Ask the key questions
      • Get it done
    • Show up early and stay late
    • Dive through cracked doors.
      • If someone cracks open a door that may present an opportunity, dive through it.

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Categories: blogs