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Engineering Books

  • Software-Defined Networks: A Systems Approach | Online | pdf - Software-Defined Networks (SDN) are transforming the Internet by replacing bundled, proprietary hardware and control software. SDN is being embraced by cloud providers, telcos, and enterprises, as it enables a new era of innovation in networking. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to SDN from the perspective of those who are developing and leveraging the technology.

  • Edge Cloud Operations: A Systems Approach | Online | pdf - Everyone uses the cloud to either access or deliver services, and those services are moving to the edge, where the real world meets the virtual. And while the hyperscaler cloud providers are eager to manage those edge clouds as an extension of their data centers, they do not have a monopoly on the know-how to do so. This book lays out a roadmap that a small team of engineers followed over the course of a year to stand up, operationalize, and then continue to operate an edge cloud, the Aether platform.

  • Computer Networking : Principles,Protocols and Practice - Computer Networking : Principles, Protocols and Practice is an open-source ebook that explains the main principles of Computer Networking and the key protocols that are used on the Internet. The ebook is intended to be used for an upper-level undergraduate networking course.


  • Springer Handbook of Optical Networks - This is a in-depth book on optical networking for all types of deployment. This is a bible. You have to use this as reference book. As of now, I have concentrated on the data center networking and its related chapters.

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