Table of Contents
Programming Books
Skiena; The Algorithm Design Manual
The longer, more comprehensive, more practical. It’s similar in that it attempts to teach you how to identify problems, use the correct algorithm, and give a clear explanation of the algorithm. This also describess the real world programming.
McDowell; Cracking the Coding Interview
Some problems and solutions, with explanations, matching the level of questions you see in entry-level interviews at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. I usually recommend this book to people who want to pass interviews but not really learn about algorithms. It has just enough to get by, but doesn’t really teach you the why behind anything. If you want to actually learn about algorithms and data structures, see below.
CLRS; Introduction to Algorithms
This book somehow manages to make it into half of these “N books all programmers must read” lists despite being so comprehensive and rigorous that almost no practitioners actually read the entire thing. It’s great as a textbook for an algorithms class, where you get a selection of topics. As a class textbook, it’s nice bonus that it has exercises that are hard enough that they can be used for graduate level classes.
Demaine; Advanced Data Structures
This is a set of lectures and notes and not a book, but if you want a coherent (but not intractably comprehensive) set of material on data structures that you’re unlikely to see in most undergraduate courses, this is great. The notes aren’t designed to be standalone, so you’ll want to watch the videos if you haven’t already seen this material.
Operating Systems
Silberchatz, Galvin, and Gagne; Operating System Concepts
It covers concepts at a high level and hits the major points, but it’s lacking in technical depth, details on how things work, advanced topics, and clear exposition.
Cox, Kasshoek, and Morris; book, source
This book is great! It explains how you can actually implement things in a real system, and it comes with its own implementation of an OS that you can play with. By design, the authors favor simple implementations over optimized ones, so the algorithms and data structures used are often quite different than what you see in production systems.
This book goes well when paired with a book that talks about how more modern operating systems work, like Linux or Windows.
Beej’s Guide to Network Programming
Using Internet Sockets
Beej’s Guide to Networking Concepts
All the networking concepts are all in one place for beginner and intermediate.
Beej’s Guide to Interprocess Communcation
All IPC in Unix/Linux Environment
A collaborative IPv6 book by Nick Buraglio and Brian E. Carpenter pdf copy
A collaborative IPv6 book
Appendix: related posts
If you would like to go deeper and comprehensive knowledge on programming, there are reference by